NEW: Vincenzo Strand.


Vincenzo Strand knew that he was dead, had died some time ago, though time to him now was imprecise. He did however, remember his last moments alive, everything in crisp, precise detail. He would always remember that moment, and those leading up to it - he could not, would not forget.

It had been a mournfully dark evening, no moon, no street lighting to speak of. No sound and no movement. He was alone. He remembered the street, the only street that mattered to him. His body was young, tense, expectant of the adventure that he knew the night had in store for him - a heady sexual feast that he had paid well for, his own particular tastes being rare, and therefore expensive. But everything in this great city was always available for a price, and as he paid generously, and available lives were plentiful, he was indulged. He had smirked as he looked down at the head of his cane, a bronze serpent head dully glowing up at him. What delicious adventures you and I have had, and so many more yet to come.

And then it had all ended in a glint of metal. A stiletto pierced his heart in one stroke - impressive, he remembered thinking. He didn't see the boy who stole his life away. Vincenzo couldn't remember a face, just the darkness. But he did remember the hard whisper from the boy's lips as the stiletto was pushed deep into his heart: "Just desserts, you sick bastard." And as his life dribbled away, Vincenzo remembered thinking - Bastard? True. Sick? Perhaps. But surely not just desserts, not yet.

The memory fizzled away, as it always did. He looked down. He still had his cane with him, its serpent head now twisted and scarred, layers of blood ingrained within its folds. It had proved useful over the years, so he kept it close to him - his one full-time companion. He thought back to that dark, lonely evening, his last as the living. He never did get his money's worth. But then, he had made so many pay for that one evening, and he felt that he was only just getting into his stride. He still had so much to do.

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