He broke open sensual images of former times. He had been in spent t-shirt and jeans, he had been in a thick coat with no buttons, he had been semi, and he had been naked. All pointless extravagances to where he was right now, but all part of the hallowed scheme of things. He tried to focus his spent vision by screwing up his eyes, but nothing really cleared. He slurped full from his beer bottle, and viewed the world from that standpoint. What's it all for - brother and sister? He asked and replied - absolutely nothing. He snorted with derision - he was good at that, always had been - snorting and derision. He unfocused and let his mind wander, meander, fall into a cul-de-sac of his choosing, of his drift. If it all went to reset  - my life, my mistakes, my heroic interludes - would it be different second time around? Would it be rich and heart-strangled florid, would it be tiny, tidy, and circumspect, would it be smug and material, empowered but empty? It would be the same, just the same, just like he always told himself - just the same. He nodded in recognition, shrugged his shoulders in the same. He took another noisy slurp from his beer bottle and broke open another set of sensual images of former times.

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